Welcome to Napkin Folding Guide. Here’s the stylish Twin Candle Napkin Roll. You will need a napkin ring for this fold. This is a simple fold to make and is very elegant on your dining table. Stiff material will help larger napkins stand up without sagging.
The Twin Candle Napkin Roll
This napkin roll is easy and elegant. Use it to spruce up a table with a flat landscape. This fold requires no ironing, starching, or pressing. Stiff material will help larger napkins stand up without sagging.
1. Lay the napkin face-down in front of you.
2. Fold the napkin in half diagonally.
3. Roll the napkin from the long side to the point as tightly as you can. A tighter roll will create a stiffer candle in the end product.

5. Stick it in your napkin ring and stand it up on the table. Now sit back and laugh as everyone knocks them over!